Character Classes and Races
Among the standard custom options for the creation of your character, Bard's Tale 3 introduced the 'Sex' option, for selection of Male or Female. Sex doesn't affect your abilities to carry out your tasks; it only affects how you look on your Character Profile screen.
The following spell data is compiled from the Bard's Tale 3 Manual, with additional game notes (possible minor spoilers) provided in bordered blocks:
Their strength and inventiveness make them one of the best survivors. Never lacking in aggression, they can handle themselves in just about any adverse setting.
Average race, jack of all trades.
Available Classes: All classes
Fair of hair and skin, the Elves are slightly taller, faster, and more agile than humans. Although weaker, they make up for this by being more skilled in magical arts and war strategies.
Gifted with higher Intelligence.
Available Classes: Warrior, Conjurer, Magician, Rogue, Bard, Paladin, Monk
Stout and short, these people are amazingly strong and healthy. Brightness, however, is not a shining attribute of theirs.
Gifted in strength and constitution.
Available Classes: Warrior, Rogue, Bard, Paladin, Hunter, Monk
The Hobbit is deft and clever, which are ideal traits for thieving. Their favorite boast is "A locked door is soon no more."
Gifted in speed and luck.
Available Classes: Warrior, Conjurer, Magician, Rogue, Bard, Monk
The result of an Elf and Human friendship, Half-Elves acquire their fair hair and light skin from Elves, and their physical bulk from Humans.
Part human, best of both worlds.
Available Classes: Warrior, Conjurer, Magician, Rogue, Bard, Monk
Orcs are the henchmen of evil wizards who are capable of little more than following orders for physical dirty work. Half-Orcs are tempered with Human blood, so while they're still dangerous, they aren't completely mindless drones forever in search of necks to wrench.
Part human, with boosted strength.
Available Classes: Warrior, Conjurer, Magician, Rogue, Hunter
Gnomes are much like Dwarfs, but a little more anti-social due to a deficit in beauty. Because they've spent so much time studying alone, Gnomes have developed a certain flair for magic.
Nimble and intelligent.
Available Classes: Warrior, Conjurer, Magician, Rogue, Hunter, Monk
Each character you create has five basic attributes which define his physical and mental prowess. When you create a character each attribute is assigned a value from 1 to 18, with the higher number reflecting higher capability.
Nobody really wishes to be light on might, but strength is especially important to fighters.
If you don't have brawn, then you better have brains. Magicians get bonus spell points for high intelligence scores.
This helps determine how fleet of feet and nimble of hand you'll be. A high score makes you harder to hit and helps you land the first blow. For Rogues, the higher this value, the less likely they'll get their fingers snapped off in traps.
This represents your overall health. The higher this is, the more damage your opponent must inflict on you before you need to start thinking about death. Should you be blessed with strong constitution, you will get bonus hit points.
Luck is ambiguous and unpredictable; you never know what alliance it has made with fate. One thing is known about luck: lucky souls are more likely to resist evil magic and avoid traps.
It's a rare weapon that this king of fighters can't handle. Warriors gain an extra attack capability for every four levels of experience after the first; a reward for becoming more adept in battle.
This fighter swears to battle all evil and uphold honor and purity. Due to their virtuous nature, the Paladin can handle some enchanted weapons that others can't and also have greater resistance to spells cast on them.
These are the skilled assassins. Their combat approach is to aim for the vital organs or nerve center and do away with an opponent with as little swordplay as possible.
These are no ordinary, somber, brown-robed, porridge eaters. Monks are actually adept fighters skilled in the ways of martial arts. While Monks with more experience prefer to fight with their bare hands, they can also use traditional weapons. A Monk's armor class improves as he or she gains levels.
The Monk's melee attack damage increases significantly level by level, most effective when not having an equipped weapon.
Any Bard will tell you that music can do more than soothe the savage beast. The Bard can do a number of things from creating light to regenerating spell points with a mere stroke of the strings.
This dexterous thief makes a living out of picking locks and neutralizing traps. If you plan on traveling without a Rogue, prepare to pay a high physical price for your spoils. A Rogue also has the ability to identify mysterious items. And perhaps most important, a Rogue can be an excellent killer due to his or her ability to sneak up close to an opponent before he or she attacks... and you'll soon find out just how important this thief is to your fate.
Magic users gain access to a book of spells belonging to their class. They level up by gaining experience just as any other class, however they gain the ability to improve their spell level after the Review Board has deemed them worthy - that is, for every 2 experience levels, they may purchase the next level of spells for their class (see Spell Points below).
After learning their 3rd level in any spell class, they are also granted the right, if they so choose, to convert to a new spellcaster class. In doing so however, they forfeit their right to learn any further spells in the class(es) they left behind.
Conjurers have the ability to heal wounds and create physical phenomena like fire and light.
A Magician's specialty is to change the properties of physical objects, such as enchanting a sword, turning an enemy to stone, or making a dungeon wall vanish.
These mages weave weighty illusions, ones that a newly-made character surely couldn't handle. You must know at least three spell levels from the Magician and Conjurer classes.
Rumor of the Realm is that these mages have the power to summon and bind creatures of the supernatural, creatures who react foully to being dragged out of their worlds on someone else's whim.
Archmages must have mastered all the spells of any three magic classes. With this hefty experience requirement, Archmages are undoubtedly the most auspicious among those who cast spells for a living.
Chronomancers are the travel experts of the magic users. Before becoming one, a magic user must master all the spells of any three mage classes. And once you become a Chronomancer, you lose the power to use all the spells you previously learned. It may sound unfair, but the Chronomancer needs to focus all of his or her attention on the important dimension teleport spells. Don't think you can get around without this spellcaster, because you just can't.
For a list of Chronomancer spells and their effects, visit
BT3 Spellbooks
Fighters who want to convert to a life of a magic can become Geomancers. Once they choose to change, they can still use the armor, weapons, and magic items that the fighter classes use. Beware: Bards lose their songs, Warriors lose their multiple attacks, Hunters lose their critical hit ability, and Monks lose their armor class bonus and multiple attacks. It's part of the trade off. To become a Geomancer, you must find the one special location that performs the rite of passage to this mage class.
For a list of Geomancer spells and their effects, visit
BT3 Spellbooks
Experience required to improve Geomancer levels are as follows:
Level | XP | |
2 | 100,000 | |
3 | 240,000 | |
4 | 400,000 | |
5 | 650,000 | |
6 | 950,000 | |
7 | 1,400,000 | |
Beyond this point, experience required remain constant per level |
8+ | +400,000 | |
Character Properties/stats
[AC] Armour Class
This is the level of protection that a character has against physical attack. For a totally unprotected character whose dexterity is low - which is about as bad as it gets - armor class is about ten. As a character's armor class improves, the number gets lower. There are also spells, songs, and items that you can use to lower armor class.
AC rating also has the additional effect of providing a boost to the chance of successfully attacking an enemy. A lower AC provides better defense as well as offense.
[HP] Hit Points
Hit points represent the amount of damage a character can take before dying. This number represents the character's potential at full health.
[COND] Condition
This is the character's total points for his or her current condition. Compare this value to hit points to determine what condition your character is in. For instance, if hit points is 20, and condition is 17, then you're in good shape because your actual health is close to your potential health. However, if your condition is 5, then you're much closer to death than to life.
Condition may also indicate a special state as an effect of a magic spell or item or other form of attack. These include:
DEAD - Self explanatory
OLD - Withered, with greatly reduced AC rating
POISoned - Hit points will slowly drain as long as the character is afflicted
STONed - Character has been petrified and effectively DEAD, unless revived by special means
PARAlyzed - Temporarily immobilized from performing actions
POSSessed - Character becomes antagonistic towards the party and launches dissention in the ranks
NUTS - Crazy in the head. May launch into a party attack
[SP] Spell Points
This is the number of spell points that a magic user has left. When it's down to zero, the magic user can't cast any more spells. Pray no monsters come your way...
[XP] Experience Points
The more fights you get into (and live through) the more experience you'll gain. When you acquire enough experience points, you can move up a level. How many experience points you need depends on your class. The Old Man in the Review Board will let you know if you have enough, and if not, how much more you need.
The more the merrier. You acquire gold by killing your enemies and cleaning out their pockets. Gold lets you pay the Old Man his fee for giving you spells, bribe folks for clues, buy drinks, and do a number of other useful things. Don't worry about buying equipment - you can't. (Tarjan doesn't believe in free enterprise so he put Garth's Equipment Shoppe out of business with an awesome incendiary spell.) You'll start out with the weapon and armor that you need. Whatever else you want, you'll have to find.
The higher the value, the better your character will perform in his or her role. All newly-made characters start out as level 1. As you gain more experience, you can advance in levels.
See the Monk class above for hints about the effect of increasing levels on attack effectiveness.
Spell Levels
This category only pertains to those who cast spells. It shows the most spell points you can ever have, or your spell point potential. Compare the SpPt value on the Onscreen Statistics against this to see how you're doing. For instance, if you have 20 spell points, and the SpPt value is 18, then you have almost all of your maximum spell points. If, however, you're down to 3 SpPt, then you're almost out of power to cast spells. You'll have to wait until they regenerate. To regenerate spell points, you have to be under the healing rays of the sun. They don't regenerate at night, so cut back on unnecessary spell activity during this time. They also won't regenerate in dungeons unless you stand on a magic square, use a spell-regenerating magic item, or play a spell-regenerating Bard's song.
Spell levels can be purchased at the Review Board, at the rate of one spell level every two experience levels.